A registered agent, also known as a resident agent or statutory agent, is a designated individual or entity responsible for receiving legal documents, official notices, and government correspondence on behalf of a business entity, such as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC).

  1. Legal Requirement: In all jurisdictions, having a registered agent is a legal requirement for business entities. The agent must have a physical address within the state or jurisdiction where the business is registered.

  2. Contact Point: The registered agent's address serves as the official contact point for receiving important documents, such as legal summons, tax notices, regulatory correspondence, and other official communications from government agencies.

  3. Accessibility and Availability: The registered agent must be available during regular business hours to accept documents in person. This ensures that important legal and government communications are received promptly.

  4. Ensures Compliance: The registered agent helps to ensure that the business entity stays in compliance with state regulations. This is crucial for maintaining good standing with the state and avoiding potential legal penalties.

  5. Privacy and Confidentiality: Using a registered agent allows the business to maintain a level of privacy for its owners and officers, as the agent's address is publicly listed and takes the place of the business's physical location.

  6. Out-of-State Operations: For businesses operating in multiple states, a registered agent is typically required in each state where the business is registered. This ensures that the business receives important documents from each jurisdiction.

  7. Change of Address or Agent: If a business changes its physical location or if the registered agent changes, the appropriate state agency must be notified promptly.

  8. Service of Process: One of the most crucial functions of a registered agent is to receive service of process, which is the official notification of a lawsuit or legal action against the business. This ensures that legal actions are promptly brought to the attention of the business.

  9. Professional Registered Agents: Some businesses choose to hire professional registered agent services, which are specialized companies that provide registered agent services for a fee. These companies are equipped to handle legal documents and ensure timely delivery.

It's important for businesses to select a reliable and trustworthy registered agent, such as SMK Business Solutions, as they play a critical role in the legal and regulatory compliance of the business. The registered agent's information is typically included in the business's articles of organization or incorporation filed with the state.


registered agent services by SMK Business Solutions

Registered Agent

$99 / year
(no hidden fees)